With this bag of cosmos flower seeds you buy the seeds for the Cosmos flower. This is a yearling plant from the composites family.
The flowers are also suitable as a cut flowers. The colors are predominantly red, deep pink, vermilion and white. The seeds of these colors do we have at our flower seeds assortment.
The Cosmos flower is blooming from July till October. The plant like's the sun and … Read more
With this bag of cosmos flower seeds you buy the seeds for the Cosmos flower. This is a yearling plant from the composites family.
The flowers are also suitable as a cut flowers. The colors are predominantly red, deep pink, vermilion and white. The seeds of these colors do we have at our flower seeds assortment.
The Cosmos flower is blooming from July till October. The plant like's the sun and grows best on a well-tended ground. To have flowers in early spring, it is necessary to sow them in a greenhouse at a temperature of about 16 ° C in February, later on they can be planted outdoors in May (after ice saints).
By regularly cutting the flowers, they continue flourish for a long time.
The botanical name is: Cosmos bipinnatus