Flower seeds yearling

Mixtures of flowers...wonderful to see but also a paradise for bees and butterflies.

For the flower seeds we make a distinction between the annual, biennial and perennial species. The annual flowers bloom in the same year as you sow them. The flowering period can be quite long, sometimes even until October or November.  You can sow the flower seeds from mid-April. Some mixtures consist of annual, biennial and perennial seeds.

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Are flower seeds easy to sow?

It is very easy to grow beautiful flowers from flower seeds. In fact, it is only important not to sow them too early,  water them regularly and when the flowers are in bloom, to remove the old flowers regularly.

What kind of flower seeds?

There are many kinds of flower seeds. First of all it is important to know if you prefer a species that stays low or if you have a species that grows high and the colours you like are also important. In our webshop we have more than 250 kinds of flower seeds on stock. This means that there is something fun for everyone to find.