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Fungi (Mycorrhiza)

The word, mycorrhiza, comes from the Greek 'mukès' (fungus) and 'rhiza' (root). Mycorrhiza is a mutual symbiotic association between a fungus and a plant. The term mycorrhiza refers to the role of the fungus in the plant's rhizosphere, its root system. Mycorrhizae play important roles in plant nutrition, soil biology, and soil chemistry.

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Are mycorrhizal fungi important for the plants?

Mycorrhizae are soil fungi that benefit the soil in many ways. The plant supports the fungus by providing carbohydrates needed for fungal growth, while the fungus helps the plant by increasing its root surface area. They provide a root network of unprecedented proportions. Due to this cooperation of the plant and the mycorrhiza fungi, the soil is extra protected against diseases.

Benefits of Mycorrhizae

  • Enhanced water and nutrient uptake.
  • Reduction of irrigation requirements.
  • Reduction need for fertilizer.
  • Increased drought resistance.
  • Increased pathogen resistance.
  • Increased plant health and stress tolerance.
  • Higher transplanting success.

Can you give too much mycorrhizae?

Plants in the natural world always grow with mycorrhizae.

Mycorrhizae does occur naturally in the soil and mycorrhizal fungi has been around for millions of years. Even in very unhealthy soils one can find traces of mycorrhizal fungi. The only way to determine what levels of mycorrhizal fungi are present in your soil is to run a comprehensive soil analysis. To survive, mycorrhizal fungi must colonize a plant's root system and develop a symbiotic relationship with the plant. As the excess fungi wouldn't have access to the root system, they would simply die without harming the plant in any way.

Varieties of Mycorrhiza 

We have different varieties of mycorrhiza in the Dutch Garden Seeds webshop:

How do you apply mycorrhizal fungi? 

The Mycorrhizae can be incorporated into your backfill or directly applied to the roots of the planting. Direct root contact is essential for the best results, as it holds the best odds for colonization and success. Simply sprinkle a small amount of Mycorrhizae onto the root ball prior to planting. Mycorrhizal fungi is best used at the point of planting, however established plants can still benefit.

200 grams of mycorrhiza fungi is sufficient for 2 m2. Unlike common fertilizers and synthetic chemicals, mycorrhizal fungi cannot damage your plants due to using too much or too often. Follow the product instructions for the best results.

  • Mycorrhiza is a natural root stimulator and not a fertilizer
  • Harmless to humans, animals and the environment
  • Keep dry and cool, protect from sunlight
  • Mycorrhizas don't like fertilizer very much. If necessary, use organic fertilizers, preferably with a low P value.

The fast-germinating endomycorrhiza is especially suitable for plants with a short growth cycle. Extra sugars have been added to stimulate it.