Growing and Sowing Lovage

Lovage, Levisticum Officinale, is also known as Maggi plant. This is because the plant smells strongly of the Maggi aroma. It also has many other nicknames, such as love parsley and lavose. The plant originally comes from Southeast Asia and Iran, but is now also widely cultivated in Europe. Lovage can grow very large and tall. More than two meters high is certainly no exception. All parts of the plant are edible and have a celery-like flavour.

Growing lovage from seeds

Lovage, also known as Maggi plant, is easy to grow yourself. Keep in mind that the plant can grow very large. It is a fairly hardy plant that dies back in the autumn and sprouts again in the spring, provided the plant has survived the cold. There are two types of lovage; the common and the Scotch Lovage. The latter has a less strong flavor and remains smaller and is grown less often.

Sowing and planting of lovage

The best time to sow is early spring, i.e. March and April. Later is possible, but lovage is a slow germinator. When choosing the location, keep in mind that the plant grows very large and tall. Lovage likes moist, humus-rich soil. Before sowing, the soil can be prepared by adding compost, for example. Lovage can also be pre-sown indoors and planted out from the end of April.

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Position and soil for planting Lovage Seeds

Lovage likes a sunny spot in the garden, but semi-shade is no problem either. The soil should be humus-rich, airy and slightly moist. If necessary, compost can be added to the soil.

How to care for your lovage plants

Because lovage forms water-filled, hollow stems, the plant needs a relatively large amount of water. So regular watering is important. Lovage also needs a lot of nutrients, especially nitrogen. Regularly adding compost or fertiliser is important for the plant to grow well.

When and how to harvest lovage?

Both the stems and leaves of lovage can be harvested. This is done by cutting them off. Harvesting can be done throughout the growing season, as long as the plant is large enough and a part remains, so that the plant can grow further. To give the plant a good start, it is better not to harvest too much in the first year.

How to preserve lovage

Freshly harvested leaves and stems, wrapped in cling film, will keep, in the vegetable drawer of the fridge, for several days. Lovage can be frozen and will keep for about six months. The leaves and stems can also be dried. Properly sealed, it will have a long shelf life.

Is lovage healthy?

Lovage is healthy and contains several vitamins (C, K), minerals (iron, manganese) and antioxidants. It can also be used as a substitute for salt. In addition, medicinal properties are attributed to it. For example, it is said that lovage supports digestion and has an antiseptic effect on the urinary tract.

Lovage seeds in our collection

We have several varieties of lovage in our range, including an organic lovage seeds variety.

Tips to grow lovage

You don't have a (large) garden and still want to grow lovage? Lovage can also be grown in large pots or containers.

Place the plant at the back of the garden so that other (herbal) plants will not fall into its shadow.

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