Sowing and Planting of Savory

Savory, Latin name Satureja Hortensis, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is native to Mediterranean countries.

The plant grows about 50 cm tall and is easy to grow. Both annual and perennial varieties are available. It is a delicious herb that can be used both fresh and dried. As it has a somewhat spicy flavour, it is a good alternative for salt and pepper and fits well in a low-sodium diet.

Growing savory from seeds

Savory has a somewhat spicy flavour and is often used in bean dishes. But it can also be added to for example pasta dishes, soups and stews. There are two types of savory, annuals and perennials. Although the annual suggests that it needs to be re-sown every year, this is often not so. Savory self-seeds very easily.

Sowing and planting of savory

Savory can be pre-sown indoors in February and March. Provide a warm, bright spot. The seedlings can then be planted outside when frost is no longer expected. Row spacing 30 cm, planting distance 25 cm. From mid- May, when frost is no longer expected, sow directly in the garden. Sow in rows with a row distance of about 30 cm. If necessary, thin out later.  Savory can also be grown year-round indoors in pots.

Savory is a light germinator, so do not cover the seeds with soil, just press them into soil.

Position and soil

Savory prefers a sunny spot, but a semi-shaded spot is also an option. The soil should be nutrient-rich and water-permeable. Before sowing, you can optionally add compost to the soil. To improve soil drainage, some sand can also be added.

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How to care for your savory plants

The main care of savory is removing weeds between the plants and watering. Savory doesn't need much water; only water when the soil is dry. The plants do not like 'wet feet'. If necessary, fertilise during growth with, for example, fertilisers suitable for herbs.

When and how to harvest savory?

It is possible to harvest as soon as the plant has enough branches and leaves. This is often from May to November. Do not harvest all the twigs and leaves so that the plant can continue to grow. Regular harvesting stimulates growth, creating more side branches.

How to preserve savory

Fresh savory generally lasts about 1 to 2 days if stored in the fridge. Savory can be dried, for example by hanging it in bunches or in a food dehydrator. Stored in airtight containers it lasts up to a year. Fresh savory can also be frozen.

Is savory healthy?

Savory is often used as a seasoning and a substitute for salt and pepper. Savory is also healthy and improves digestion. Adding savory while cooking beans to reduce gas.

Savory seeds in our collection

In our range, we have an annual savory variety. These are from the brand 'Buzzy Seeds'.

Tips to grow savory

  • Regularly cutting branches from the plant stimulates growth. Leave some branches with leaves on the plant.
  • Sow a row of savory next to broad beans. This can prevent lice in the broad bean plants.

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