Spearmint Seeds

2,29 inc tax


Mint is a perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Herbal Spearmint is an easy to grow herb. It keeps... Read more

Mint is a perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Herbal Spearmint is an easy to grow herb. It keeps mosquitoes away and can be added to many drinks and dishes.  Mint seeds are easy to grow in your own vegetable or herb garden. 

Abilities and health benefits of spearmint

Mint is a functional herb. It keeps bugs away, gives a pleasant scent in the wardrobe and ensures mosquito-free evenings. The medicinal properties of mint are diverse. The essential oil of peppermint can be used for numerous discomforts such as stomach complaints, colds, fever, asthma, toothache, diarrhea, sinusitis and headaches.

Buzzy Seeds

Sowing instructions

Mint likes a cool, moist spot. When planting mint, beware of its invasive growth. The plant spreads easily. Use containers or plastic bags to prevent overgrowth. When planting mint, choose well-drained alkaline soil with plenty of humus or compost. Plant mint at least 30 centimeters apart and water generously. Overwinter mint indoors or in a greenhouse.