Growing and Sowing winter Radish

Winter radish is a root vegetable and belongs to the cruciferous family. It is very similar in taste to radish. The flesh is very bright white, the skin is often black, but there are also varieties where the skin is purple, yellow, pink or brown-black in colour. Most varieties form a round bulb; there are also elongated varieties. The smaller the radish, the sharper the flavour. For those who also want to eat fresh from their own garden in autumn and winter, winter radish are highly recommended. The harvest is from September to early December. Winter radish is easy to grow and therefore also suitable for the novice vegetable gardener.

Growing your own winter radish from seeds

Winter radish, like, for example, cabbages, turnips and radishes, belongs to the cruciferous family and is one of the forgotten vegetables. It is a type of cabbage that forms root tubers. These tubers are underground. Often the skin of these tubers is black; there are also varieties with white, purple, yellow, pink or brown-black skin. But all have bright white flesh. Winter radish is a versatile vegetable, which can be used both raw and also cooked, stir-fried, stewed or as a soup.

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Sowing and planting winter radish

The winter radish in our range can be sown from June to August directly in open ground. Keep a row distance of 40 cm and try to sow the seeds thinly in the row. If necessary, thin out later, planting distance should be about 15 cm. Make sure you the soil is loose so that the taproot can grow straight down. Because of that taproot, winter radish cannot be transplanted and therefore cannot be pre-sown.

Position and soil of winter Radish seeds

Winter radish likes a not too heavy soil with an airy structure and a sunny spot in the garden. If necessary, the soil can be improved using compost. Round varieties can stand firmer soil a little better than the elongated varieties.

How to care of your winter radish plants

As far as care is concerned, winter radish is very easy to grow. Keep the soil around the plant free of weeds and water in warm, dry weather. Fertilizing is not necessary.

When and how to harvest winter radish?

Harvesting can start from September, when the tubers become visible above the ground and they are thick enough. Harvest carefully to avoid damaging the tubers next to them. These can then continue to grow. Do not let the tubers get too big, as they will become less crunchy. Do keep an eye out for frost, because then, of course, they are impossible to get out of the ground.

How to preserve winter radish

Winter radish, if stored in a cool and dry place, can be kept for a few weeks. Be sure to remove the foliage immediately. They can also be stored in a container with damp sand, which extends their shelf life. Winter radish can be frozen, but then lose its crispness. Pickling in vinegar, just like pickles, for example, is also possible.

Is winter radish healthy?

Winter radish is very healthy and contains many vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is especially high in vitamins C and B11, high in calcium and potassium, and very rich in fiber. Health benefits are attributed to winter radish such as purifying action and beneficial effect on digestion.

Winter radish seeds in our collection

In our range we have different kinds of winter radish, including an organic variant.

Tips to grow winter radish

  • Because black radish is a type of cabbage, this vegetable also suffers from the cabbage fly. The plants can be protected against this with an insect net.
  • Remove the foliage immediately after harvesting, this will ensure a longer shelf life.

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