15% Green Friday Discount!


Hello garden friends and garden girlfriends!

15% Green Friday Discount! 27th of november 2020

The preparations for the new season are in full swing and of course we want to be a part of it. That's why we give a 15% discount on 'Green Friday' (black friday action) on everything in our assortment! On top of that, free shipping from 15 euro for bags of seeds only! To activate this discount, enter the code: GREEN as promotion code. Through this link you can go directly to the website: www.dutchgardenseeds.co.uk

New in stock! Bimi Broccoli seeds and Onion Exhibition seeds!


Dear Garden Friends,

The news of the day is, of course, the Covid-19 infections. This affects many of us, either directly or indirectly. To 'forget' all this for a moment, gardening is a very good occupation. Most of us will have emptied the garden by now and/or even made it ready for the winter.

Garlic! The delicious Winter Garlic Messidrome


Hello Garden friends,

After last week's mail we received a number of questions whether we also sold garlic. Not then...but now we do! The variety we sell is Messidrome Garlic. This is a real winter garlic that has earned its spurs in recent years. To go directly to the Garlic, click HERE

Hot! Now Sowing? New Seeds!


Hello Garden friends,

It's been so hot these past few days...! The vegetable plants and flowers were crying out for water. The soil is hard and dry. It is difficult to absorb water at the moment and therefore it is extra important to give enough water and if necessary to loosen the soil before you water. Don't forget to 'water' yourself from time to time... :-)

New organic seeds! ...and sowing is still possible ;-)

Hello Garden friends and Garden Girlfriends,

Today we heard from a number of customers that their garden was 'singing'. The plants were so happy that once again rain came down from the sky... It's actually becoming a bigger and bigger problem that it's getting drier and warmer. Although sometimes it can also be delicious.

Sow next week with nice weather...and sun!

Hello Garden Friends and Garden Girlfriends!

After several weeks of rain, strong wind and dark clouds, as far as we can see, the outlook looks good! Today the last rains are falling and from then on all gardens can dry up and be prepared for the vegetable garden season 2020 ! www.dutchgardenseeds.co.uk

Order your garden seeds right now


Dear Gardening Friends,

Be on time with ordering your seeds. At the moment all kinds of storms are raging over northern Europe but the time of pre-sowing has come. Especially for some species...

New Organic Seeds Varieties and a Healty 2020 for you!

Hello Garden Friends and Garden Girlfriends!

The year is coming to an end and we still have one of the best holidays ahead of us. For many of you, making a vegetable garden plan will be on the agenda again, as well as looking back with satisfaction on a successful harvest in 2019! Meanwhile we have replenished all kinds of seeds and are ready for the new season.

De Bolster Organic Seeds available at the webshop of Dutch Garden Seeds!

Hello garden friends and garden girlfriends!

From now on we also have 15 different varieties of organic seeds from De Bolster in our assortment! For now, this is an addition to the existing organic range, bringing the total to almost 100 varieties! It was quite a job to get it online, but we are very happy with it ;-)

We have added the 26 varieties of Square Foot Gardening Seeds specially selected by 'Jelle' to our assortment!

Hello garden friends and garden girlfriends!

This summer the weather is a bit capricious, sometimes too hot, then suddenly a lot of rain or wind or dry for a while. The combination can ensure that for some vegetables the ideal conditions are right, but there are also a few that do better with more stable weather.

2 new kind of vegetable seeds! The red pointed cabbage seeds Kalibos and the dwarf bean seeds Kylian

Hello garden friends and garden girlfriends!

The 'seed season' is coming to an end for us, but not for you, "the gardeners".  There is plenty work to do: running, flying and eating. The current weather is then sunshine, the another moment rain and another moment sunshine and another moment rain.

New Kind of Seeds! Microgreens seeds!


Dear Gardening Friends,

April is started and this weekend the temperature is dropping, but, from next week on it seems to become stable and nice healty weather!

The Gardening season starts from today! Buy your vegetable seeds online!


Hello Garden Friends and Girlfriends,

Over the past few days, the vegetable garden has been given more than enough water to be able to continue for a while! Most of you have already started the first work and probably also start to sow the first species of vegetables or flowers.